Garhwa: In Garhwa and Ramkanda blocks of Garhwa assembly constituency, the foundation stone of eight schemes to be built at a cost of about Rs 40 crore was laid on Monday. Garhwa MLA, Jharkhand Government's Drinking Water and Sanitation Minister Mithilesh Kumar Thakur was present as a representative of twenty-point District Vice President Nitesh Singh, JMM District President Tanveer Alam, Secretary Manoj Thakur and Mahila Morcha District President Anjali Gupta jointly offered prayers, coconut The foundation stone of these schemes was laid by busting and unveiling the stone plate. It may be noted that the foundation stone of these schemes was to be laid by the Minister Shri Thakur. But due to unavoidable reasons he had to go out suddenly. Because of this he could not attend the program.
During this, the foundation stone of cold storage to be built at a cost of about Rs 15 crore was laid in Birbandha village of Garhwa block. Whereas in Ramkanda block, the foundation stone was laid for the long awaited bridge on Hatu river between Dhori Tola and Kelhar village of Chete village. This bridge will be constructed at a cost of about Rs. It is to be known that the villagers were demanding the construction of this bridge for more than the last 25 years. The construction of this bridge will bring great convenience to the villagers. Strengthening of the road from Mangrahi School to Belvadamar School, including the residence of Block and Circle Officers and personnel to be built at a cost of about six crores, road construction from Siswa to Chatakman via Harhe, from Surendra Saw's house in Gobardaha to the market via Halditand. Construction, PCC road construction from village Chete Panchayat building to the house of martyr Ajit Odeya,
On the occasion, twenty-point vice-president Nitesh Singh said that Garhwa has been neglected since the beginning. In rural areas, people were not getting better roads, electricity and even pure drinking water. But ever since Mithilesh Thakur became the minister, the situation has changed. In his short tenure of two years, he has laid a network of roads in all the villages. Numerous development schemes are underway. People of rural areas also now have better roads, You will be able to take advantage of electricity and pure drinking water. There was a great need for cold storage in Garhwa. Vegetable seller farmers will get a lot of benefit from this. Minister Shri Thakur is drawing a long line of development in Garhwa. JMM District President Tanveer Alam said that Minister Shri Thakur is doing so much development work in Garhwa that it is not possible to lay the foundation stone of all the schemes separately. Due to this, work is being done rapidly by laying the foundation stone of many schemes at one place. So that the general public can get its benefit as soon as possible. The development work being done by the minister has created a stir in the opposition camp. Secretary Manoj Thakur said that Garhwa district would very soon stand in the category of most developed districts with the tireless efforts of Minister Shri Thakur. The way the minister has started development work in Garhwa, it was never seen till date. Mahila Morcha district president Anjali Gupta said that the people of Garhwa had hoped Mithilesh Thakur as his public representative, he is fully living up to the expectations of the people. Minister Shri Thakur is not the one to deceive the public like the former public representatives, but to fulfill all his promises. A large number of people including Fujail Ahmed, Ajay Thakur, Birbandha Mukhiya Alizama Ansari, Ram Niwas Ram, Sharif Ansari, Ajay Upadhyay were present on the occasion.