Bishunpura: Under the leadership of Banshidhar Nagar SDPO Pramod Keshari, the Bishnupura police has disclosed the theft on February 5 in the mobile shop of Prashant Gupta, brother of Omprakash Gupta, president of the business union.
By catching all the accused involved in the theft, the Bishnupura police have uncovered the mastermind thief in this incident. Bishunpura police station in-charge Budhram Samad said that three minor thieves, including one from Amhar village and two from Mahuli village, have been arrested and sent to the Children's Correctional Home on Monday in this theft case. He told that the thief Krishna Murari Mehta, who was arrested and sent to jail on February 12, has carried out the theft incident with the help of these three minors. He told that one new smartphone each has been recovered from these three minor thieves, out of 15 mobiles stolen in the theft incident, 12 mobiles have been recovered.
*How this incident was revealed*
The turning point in this incident of theft came when after sending two people to jail in this case, seven new smartphones were thrown on the way from Bishunpura to Patagada village on February 12 last. The information of which was given by the villagers to Bishunpura police station. After this the police confiscated the mobile and brought it to the police station. In this way the police got the link of theft in this incident. And by catching all the three minors involved in the theft, the main thief involved in this incident has been uncovered.
* Mastermind thief Krishna Murari executed the incident like this *
Krishna Murari Mehta, a resident of Amhar village, the main accused of theft, does sand business including agriculture with his tractor. It used to get these three minors to do labor work on its tractor. Who has carried out this incident on the last night of February 5 last night in the mobile shop with the help of his three minor laborers?
* Not completely satisfied with this action - business union *
President of the same business union Omprakash Gupta said that in the past 7 mobiles were thrown in the bush on the roadside. Who threw the mobile and how an unknown person from Amhar village along with three minors stole the mobile shop very easily. There is some dissatisfaction about this.Bishunpura. Fortified. Police busted mobile shop theft
Bishunpura. Fortified. Under the leadership of Banshidhar Nagar SDPO Pramod Keshari, the Bishnupura police has disclosed about the theft on February 5 in the mobile shop of Prashant Gupta, brother of Omprakash Gupta, president of the business union.
By catching all the accused involved in the theft, the Bishnupura police have uncovered the master mind thief in this incident. Bishunpura police station in-charge Budhram Samad said that three minor thieves, including one from Amhar village and two from Mahuli village, have been arrested and sent to the Children's Correctional Home on Monday in this theft case. He told that the thief Krishna Murari Mehta, who was arrested and sent to jail on February 12, has carried out the theft incident with the help of these three minors. He told that one new smartphone each has been recovered from these three minor thieves, out of 15 mobiles stolen in the theft incident, 12 mobiles have been recovered.
*How this incident was revealed*
The turning point in this incident of theft came when after sending two people to jail in this case, seven new smartphones were thrown on the way from Bishunpura to Patagada village on February 12 last. The information of which was given by the villagers to Bishunpura police station. After this the police confiscated the mobile and brought it to the police station. In this way the police got the link of theft in this incident. And by catching all the three minors involved in the theft, the main thief involved in this incident has been uncovered.
* Mastermind thief Krishna Murari executed the incident like this *
Krishna Murari Mehta, a resident of Amhar village, the main accused of theft, does sand business including agriculture with his tractor. It used to get these three minors to do labor work on its tractor. Who has carried out this incident on the last night of February 5 last night in the mobile shop with the help of his three minor laborers.
* Not completely satisfied with this action - business union *
President of the same business union Omprakash Gupta said that in the past 7 mobiles were thrown in the bush on the roadside. Who threw the mobile and how an unknown person from Amhar village along with three minors stole the mobile shop very easily. There is some dissatisfaction about this.