Dhurki: In the Dhurki block office, a woman of Shivri village has accused the five nominated people of the village of damaging the wall of the Prime Minister's residence under construction through a written application to President Obaidullah Haque Ansari in the Dhurki block office. In this regard, Lalita Kunwar, after giving an application to the President of Bissutri, told that she has got the Prime Minister's house, after that after constructing the foundation in her house, she built the wall made of bricks, Budhan Pal, Guddu Pal, Mahendra of the village itself. Pal, Akhilesh Pal along with other members of their family have damaged the under-construction Prime Minister's residence.
The said woman also told that she is a widow woman, a year ago her husband was bitten by a snake and he had died untimely. She told that after the death of her husband she has become destitute and has four daughters. The aggrieved woman has requested the President for help through an application. At the same time, the President has assured the woman after receiving the application that she will help every possible woman as per the rules. During this, Bissutri member Vimala Devi, Dhirendra Yadav of JMM, Shailesh Yadav, Akhtar Ansari Prince Yadav of RJD were present.