BANSHIDHAR NAGAR: Nagar Untari Police succeeded in getting the refund of Rs 480099 by an unknown person from the bank account of the victim woman Sujantidevi.

BANSHIDHAR NAGAR: Nagar Untari police station has succeeded in getting the refund of Rs 480099 by an unknown person from the bank account of widow Sujantidevi. Addressing the press at the Nagar Untari police station, Inspector Rajesh Kumar said that Sujanti Devi had filed an application in the Nagar Untari police station on February 6, 20, 22 and registered a case of illegal withdrawal of ₹ 490099 from her account by an unknown person. Taking action, the Nagar Untari police station has succeeded in getting the refund of ₹ 480099 in Sujanti Devi's account on 14th March by raiding the banks and other CSP operators. 

He told that after the death of Sujanti Devi's husband in the past After that he had received the claim amount which was in his account. Recently, on October 9, 2021, 490099 amount was withdrawn from his account after doing 50 transactions in a single day. Complained about it in the police station, but after not seeing any action, the matter was also registered in the Nagar Untari police station. After receiving the complaint, Sub-Inspector Sunil Kumar Das of Nagar Untari police station took prompt action and got his amount refunded. Police station in-charge Yogendra Kumar said that all the people involved in the case are being investigated. All the people involved in the case will not be spared. On the said occasion, Inspector Rajesh Kumar, station in-charge Yogendra Kumar, PU and Sunil Kumar Das were present.

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