Ramna: Self-reliant India Personal Contact Program and Facilitation Campaign program was organized in Bhagodih village under the block. Rashtriya Yuva Swayamsevak Praveen Kumar, while giving information to the youth about various schemes of the Government of India like all the services of banks, agricultural loans, benefits of education loans and digitization, filling online forms, prevention of crop diseases through agriculture app, etc., said that In today's time, the benefits of government schemes can be taken directly through the net. Also, self-employment can be made to become self-reliant.
At the same time, Arjun Chaudhary, a social worker of the village, appreciated the programs run by the Nehru Yuva Kendra Garhwa and said that the youth are being constantly trained in various schemes and sports by the Nehru Yuva Kendra run by the Sports Ministry, so that the youth Moving towards becoming self-reliant.
Many youths including Ravi Pal, Gautam Patel, Sunil Chaudhary, Shakti Singh were present on the occasion.