KANDI: Angry beneficiary Ramchandra Chaudhary locked the PDS shop due to the non-availability of ration in Sukhadi Ram's PDS shop located in Hariharpur village under Kandi block.
The dealers Sukhadi Ram, Durga Ram, and Baldhani Paswan sitting inside the PDS shop were locked inside the shop itself.
On receiving the information about the closure, ASI Surendra Dubey and Chhotan Singh of Hariharpur OP, who arrived with Dalbal, pulled out the people by opening the lock.This is the second such lock-down incident with the dealer Sukhadi Ram.
Let us inform that the beneficiaries were angry with the dealer Sukhadi Ram for not distributing ration for two months to the beneficiaries. While assuring the beneficiaries present on the spot, dealer Sukhadi Ram said that ration would be distributed to all the beneficiaries within a week.