Bhavnathpur. A meeting was organized under the chairmanship of Deputy Chief of Panchayat Vijay Oraon in the courtyard of Dhannagardiha Sports Ground of Makri Panchayat. In which the following resolution was passed unanimously-
The former sports ground was named as Bhagwan Birsa Munda Sports Ground, Makri. It was decided to form Bhagwan Birsa Munda Sports Ground Group Makri. Even though the said playground is very old, due to falling within the forest limit, the benefit of the government scheme is not available. For which by preparing a demand letter in the name of Deputy Commissioner through Gram Sabha, it was decided to hand over the demand letter to the social worker of the area, former cum future Zilla Parishad candidate Ranjani Kumari alias Sharma Ranjani by the Forest Department after obtaining NOC from the Forest Department.
Unanimously, a meeting has been held on 13th February regarding the committee formation of Bhagwan Birsa Munda Sports Group Makri. Many people including social worker Kundan Thakur, Sonu Thakur, Krishna Dev Oraon, Bachchan Singh, Raksha Singh, Rakesh Oraon, Jikesh Oraon were present on this occasion.