Banshidhar Nagar: In the inaugural match of City Premier League Season 2 organized by New Student Club at Gosaibagh ground here on Friday, the team of Journalists' XI defeated Police XI team by 12 runs in a thrilling match and emerged victorious.
Electing to bat first after winning the toss, the team of Journalists' XI made a score of 104 runs for the loss of seven wickets in the stipulated match of 12 overs. In which Prashant Sahay made 26, Vikas Kumar made 20, Pappu Pandey made 14, Praveen Jaiswal made 10. For Police XI, Vikram Singh took 3 wickets, Yogesh and Amit Ojha took 2-2 and Vicky took 1 wicket.
On the other hand, chasing the target of 105 runs, the team of Police XI could score only 92 runs for the loss of four wickets in the allotted over. For Police XI, Yogesh scored 40 runs, Vikram Singh scored 21 and Sunil scored 13 runs. Amit, Situ and Bablu of Journalist's XI took one wicket each. Man of the match award was given to Prashant Sahay of Journalist's XI for his better game.