BANSHIDHAR NAGAR: Four people were injured in a road accident near Jangipur village on NH75. All the injured were referred to the sub-divisional hospital after first aid. The incident happened on Saturday night at 7 pm. Local people told about the incident that Roshan Choubey, Omprakash Choubey, Golu Choubey and Navneet Choubey of Palhe village were going home in Swift DZire car yesterday.
A pick-up vehicle coming from opposite direction collided strongly near Jangipur village. Due to which all the four youths were seriously injured. With the help of local people, all were brought to the sub-divisional hospital for treatment. Where seeing the serious condition, Dr. On receiving information about the same incident, SDPO Pramod Keshari, Police Inspector Rajesh Kumar reached the hospital and inquired about the matter. After the same incident, the driver of the pickup fled away.