Kandi: The thatched hut of Binod Biar, resident of Shivri village of the police station area, was burnt to ashes due to the fire. Along with this, a pregnant goat, a buffalo baby tied in it, was also seriously injured by the fire. While a buffalo was also partially burnt.
The incident is said to have happened on Tuesday afternoon. The victim's family has given a written application to Kandi police station regarding the said incident. The victim's family told that a small child has set fire to the hut in the game. At the time of the incident, the people of the house were crushing cane in Kolsar.
On the information of the villagers, everyone came running home. When I saw that all the huts were burnt to ashes. The villagers controlled the fire by using hand pumps. BJP Kisan Morcha District President Ramlala Dubey visited the site of the incident and demanded compensation to the victim's family.