Dhurki: Manoj Kumar Singh, husband of Kavita Devi, a young philanthropist cum future Zilla Parishad candidate, reached her home after receiving information about the death of 60-year-old mother Ghunar Kunwar of Karuvasna Tola resident of Karuvasna Tola under the deceased Ganiyari Kala Panchayat, and consoled the family members with 50 kg rice. Including other food items. It is known that 60-year-old mother Ghunar Kunwar of Ramchandra Singh, resident of Karuvasna Tola under Panchayat Ganiyari Kala of Dhurki block, had died of a serious illness last week.
On the other hand Manoj Kumar Singh, husband of Kavita Devi, a youth social worker cum Zilla Parishad candidate, told that Ghunar Kunwar belongs to a very poor family. We are ready to provide benefits of all possible government schemes for them. Will get more benefits too. Young social worker Manoj Kumar Singh said that along with all the poor helpless people of Dhurki block, I was always in their happiness and sorrow even today. Am. And I will stand by you in future also. The way Manoj is serving the people without being in any position. There is a slap in the cheek for the people's representatives in office. Manoj is a very struggling youth. Whatever work they are engaged in, they get absorbed in that work with full body and mind. That is why the entire block is known as a struggling social worker.
During this, his associates Aditya Singh, Arvind Kumar, Brajesh Ram, Mandeep Kumar, Shivpratap Singh, Surendra Singh, Baijnath Kharwar, Dharamraj Singh, Inderdev Singh, Virendra Singh, Govind Singh, Amardayal Singh, Shushil Singh, Rakesh Bhuyan and many others were present on the occasion. People were present.