Bhavnathpur. A one-day training program was organized under the Jal Jeevan Mission on Monday in the Block Office Auditorium. In the program the importance of water was told and awareness was made about water conservation.
Training District Coordinator Anuj Choubey told the public representatives about the quality use and water conservation of drinking water and the provision of Har Ghar Jal, Har Ghar Nal was given in detail under the Jal Jeevan Mission being run by the government. . While giving instructions to the chief and the ward members, he said that they must check the purity of the water used for drinking and the chappals installed in their respective panchayats. Training was given on how to test for fluoride, iron, pH and nitrate in water. Rajesh Gupta, head of Sinduria Panchayat, Raj Kishore Singh, head of Kailan Panchayat, ward members and Jal Sahiya were present on the occasion.