Bhavnathpur. Sensation spread in the area on Monday after the body of an unidentified person lodged in the borough was found in a mutilated condition from under the bridge near Dudhvania valley on Bhavnathpur Ketar main road of Bhavnathpur police station area. As soon as the information about this dead body of a man of about 45 years of age was found, the police reached the spot under the leadership of Shri Banshidhar Nagar DSP Pramod Keshari and is conducting research.
The body of an unidentified person was sealed with a stone by placing it in a sack, wrapped with a tripal, and put it in a pipe under the culvert. Seeing the dead body, it is being speculated that he was murdered a week ago. In order to hide the evidence by killing the said person elsewhere, the body was put inside the pipe under the culvert. The said dead body was taken out. The police sent the dead body to Garhwa for post-mortem examination. On Monday morning, some village cowherds of the village had gone towards Dudhavania valley. While grazing the cow, when the foul smell came from inside the culvert, when those people looked inside, they saw something wrapped in tarpaulin.
On the apprehension of the dead body, a crowd of villagers gathered and the villagers informed the local police station. As soon as the information was received, Shribanshidhar Nagar SDPO Pramod Kumar Keshari, Bhawanathpur Police Inspector Chandan Kumar Singh, SHO Satish Kumar Mahto, SI Sahdev Sah, Ketar SHO Santosh Kumar reached the spot along with the police force. The police sealed the tarpaulin in a sack inside the culvert. The said dead body, covered with it, was taken out. The police could not identify the body as the body was completely decomposed.