Banshidhar Nagar: In protest against the murder of Rupesh Pandey in Barhi, Hazaribagh during idol immersion in Saraswati Puja, the youth of Banshidhar Nagar took out a candle march on Friday evening and demonstrated against the murder of young Rupesh Pandey. Candle march was taken out from Ambalal Patel Girls High School located at Cousinia to Hanuman Chowk via Bus Stand, Ahipurwa Mor, Henhe Mor. During this, youth took candles and placards in their hands, condemning the murder of Rupesh Pandey and demanding the execution of the killers.
Soren hi hi...arrest the killers of Rupesh Pandey soon, the whole city was resonating with slogans like Jai Shri Ram etc. Along with this, slogans were raised against the government on the question of law and order. As soon as the candle march reached Hanuman Chowk, the people present paid tribute to the picture of Rupesh Pandey. Where a large number of youths offered flowers to the picture of Rupesh Pandey and prayed to God for the peace of the dead soul for two minutes. On this occasion, the youth condemned this attitude of the Hemant Soren government and the attackers of innocent Rupesh Pandey killed him under a conspiracy.
Even after this, even CM Hemant Soren and no minister of the government's cabinet even condemned the incident. The youth accused the government of doing politics of appeasement and said that now the stand of the government has completely changed. Vineet Kumar Sharad, Pintu Kumar, Sumit Kumar, Pawan Kumar, Bobby Kumar, Satendra Kumar, Rahul Kumar, Raj Soni, Rishu Kumar, Amit Paswan, Jitendra Kumar, Ajay Vishwakarma, Ankush Mehta, Vicky Kumar, Prinsh Kumar, Rajkumar, VHP's on the occasion. Himanshu Kumar Rajan Kumar, Akash Kumar, Karan Kumar, Raja Kumar.