Banshidhar Nagar: Inhuman treatment is being done to the women undergoing sterilization operation in Banshidhar Nagar Sub-Divisional Hospital. Here a case has come to light of the woman being slapped and torn apart by the medical team conducting the operation. Anita Devi, sister of the victim Geeta Devi, a victim of the inhuman act of the medical team, has revealed this.
According to Anita Devi, on January 16, she had gone to the Sub-Divisional Hospital for the operation of her sister Geeta Devi, a resident of Kharoundhi. Where his sister was given an injection before the operation. But after the above injection did not have any effect on his sister, at first the medical team unnecessarily accused Geeta of consuming intoxicants. When Geeta Devi denied this, she was forcibly mutilated after allegedly thrashing her in the operation theater, holding her hands and feet.