Sagma: Bhuvneshwar Prasad Yadav, a former panchayat servant resident of Putur village under the block, died on Saturday night at the age of eighty-eight. In the meantime, suddenly died on Saturday night.
It is worth mentioning that Bhuvneshwar Prasad Yadav had earlier established posts in Sagma, Dhurki on the job of Panchayat Sevak in his life, and retired in 1997 from his Panchayat Sevak's job. After retiring from the job, Hanuman temple was built in his life, since then Bhuvneshwar Prasad Yadav used to be engrossed in worship. Aura Apna Jeevan Lili that chapter ended on the night of 22 January 2022.
As soon as the information of death was received, Jeep member Nand Gopal Yadav, representative Dashrath Baitha, Deputy Block Chief Sanjay Yadav, Hanumant Yadav, Yogendra Yadav, Subhash Yadav, Revat Yadav Bhupendra Kumar Yadav, Shashi Yadav, Preman Yadav, Rajendra Yadav, including many people reached home. He expressed his consolation and the last rites were performed at Samsan Ghat Khatkharia on Sunday. Hundreds of people bid him farewell with moist eyes. On the same jeep member Nandgopal Yadav said that Bhuvneshwar Prasad Yadav was a good thinker and as long as he was on the job of Panchayat Sevak, he kept working honestly among the people and till date no person is a former Panchayat Sevak. That the image could not be stained. And he said that whatever human being is born on earth, one day man is sure to die. And two mints were mourned.