Banshidhar Nagar: Millennium Public School, under the Sports Authority of India, was dispatched by the director Mumtaz Rahi to the students of the school to participate in the battery test in the grounds of the Girls' High School. During this, Mumtaz Rahi said that the all-round development of the student studying in the school is the priority of the school.
In the field of sports, the school has worked to make the district and the state flow by winning many medals. Vidyalaya student Mohammad Amir Riaz Ali is undergoing training at Sai Center in Patiala. Wishing the bright future of the girl students, the school's chairperson Noorjahan Begum said that special training would be given to the students by setting up camps for karate, wushu and boxing. Principal Mohd Manzoor Rahi, Manoj Kumar, Asghar Ansari, Prince Kumar, Sojal Kumar, Ahmed Raza, Kumar Aryan, Sumit Kumar, Shazia Naaz, Deepanjali Kumari, Suhani Kumari, Ali Raza, Anish Khan, Farhan Khan, Anurag Singh, Ayush Kumar, Himanshu Kumar, Ashish Kumar, Manish Kumar, Adarsh Raj, The names of those including Roopam Raj, Nityanand Kumar, Yusuf Raja, Nooreen Ahmed, Vivek Kumar Rai, Nityanand Kumar, Sanyul Hasan, Shivam Kumar, Sumit Kumar, Vishal Kumar are included.