Banshidhar Nagar: SDPO Pramod Kumar Kesari on Monday held a meeting with all the police officers and gold businessmen of the sub-divisional area in the auditorium of the sub-divisional office and gave many necessary directions.
In the meeting, the SDPO asked the gold traders to know their problems and to be alert about incidents like theft, dacoity and snatching. He encouraged all the businessmen to do business without fear and install CCTV cameras in front of their respective shops and inside the shop, as well as open registers, take Aadhar cards of customers, local guarantors, make payment in the account after shopping, sleep in the shop. Instructed to fill the form with the name, address and other notable things of the customer selling the silver.
The SDPO said that if customers come to sell gold and silver alone, then inform their family members and keep in mind that they should buy gold and silver jewelery with slip only from an adult. Do not buy jewelery without a prescription. He instructed to write the number of the police in front of the shop. He said that soon a meeting would be held with all bank employees, CSP operators and operators of petrol pumps.
In the meeting, Police Inspector Chandan Kumar of Bhavnathpur, Yogendra Kumar, SHO of Shree Banshidhar Nagar, SHO Sudhanshu Kumar, SHO of Ramna, Abhay Kumar, SHO of Kharoundhi, Shaukat Khan, OP in-charge of Hariharpur OP, businessman Rajendra Seth,
A large number of businessmen including Abhay Kumar, Anurag Soni, Dhanajjay Soni, Lalmuni Soni, Jagu Seth, Lallu Seth, Raju Soni, Virendra Seth, Vrind Seth were present.